Mermen Theatre 成立目標是為本地學校和社區機構撰寫、設計及教授音樂劇課程 - 以專業舞台知識為基礎、系統化練習為工具、並多以演出為目標。課程全面,不但涵蓋表演音樂劇所需的唱、跳、演技能訓練,生動有趣的音樂劇方法內在的演藝潛能,提高個人自信;並以演出為目標,發揮團隊合作精神,令學生深度體驗音樂劇所能觸動人心的正向及快樂的力量。
We believe that musical theatre has the power to change lives,
and we are dedicated to making that experience accessible to
as many young peple as possible.
Our work supports young people from their first drama experience
to their first professional production.
Let's make a splash on stage!
Copyright © Mermen Theatre. All rights reserved.